ECS 311 · Uncategorized


I attended the Middle Years Conference in Regina and got a few very good resources from Pernille Ripp.

The Global Read Aloud Project

Travelling Teapot Project

Skype in the Classroom

Twitter (Allow students to tweet authors, etc.)

Digit Human Library

ECS 311 · Uncategorized

Lesson Plan Example 2

Name: Cassie Schlamp Date: October 24 2018 Subject: English Grade: 8

Guiding Questions (specific to this lesson):

Have you ever been persuaded?
Outcomes: (What should students know, understand and be able to do as a result of this lesson?)

CC 7.9 Experiment with a variety of text forms (e.g., meeting, presentation to adults, descriptive poem, opinion piece, a review, front page of a newspaper, short script) and techniques (e.g., dialogue, figurative language).

Indicators (Assessment Evidence): (What will students do to show what they have learned?) Use I can statements.

I can create persuasive texts (e.g., persuasive letter, an interpretation) as follows: explain and justify reactions and personal connections to texts viewed, heard, and read make explicit and deliberate connections with previous knowledge and experiences give opinions and make judgements provide support by reasons, explanations, and evidence support opinions with examples from text develop a clear organization.

I can experiment with a variety of forms and techniques. I can experiment with and make deliberate choices about form and language suited to audience and purpose.

Assessment Strategies: (formative-before & during & summative – end)

-Walk around and make sure they’re on task (sit in on some of their persuading)

-Collect their worksheets

Instructional Strategies: (specific strategies)

-cooperative learning -group discussion -literature response

Adaptive Dimension: Differentiated Learning (what adaptations in content, process, product and learning environment will be provided to meet diverse student needs?)

-Read out the instructions, as well as write them

-Pair up certain individuals

Materials Needed: -Worksheet -Pencil
Learning Experiences:

Set ( ____min)

For my set, I would like show the students three different commercials. One that effected emotionally, one that effected logically, one that effected ethically. Ethos (Ethical) Logos (Logical) Pathos (Emotional)

After watching the commercials, I will explain to them ethos, logos and pathos. Logical: persuasion by the use of reasoning. The use of logic to support a claim. Facts and statistics are used to enhance a point. Giving reason is the heart of persuasion, which could be why this was Aristotle’s favorite appeal.

Ethical: convincing by the character of the author. People tend to believe people they respect. You need to convince the audience your authority on the topic- Why should they believe YOU?

Emotional: persuading by appealing to the reader’s emotions. The emotional appeal can effectively be used to enhance a point. Use vivid language, emotional language, and numerous sensory details.


Development ( ___min)

This activity is designed to have students understand persuasion.

I will split the students into partners using their already made tables.

I will give them a worksheet I have found on Teachers Pay Teachers. The worksheet is “Sell me this Pen”

In their partners, they will have to come up with two examples for each Ethos, Pathos and Logos on how to sell that pen.

This will give them the opportunity to learn from their peers and come together to collaborate their ideas.

They will then join together with another group of two and try to sell them that pen. This will let them see the different ideas and try and persuade their classmates.

Closure ( ___ min)

Have a discussion about what persuaded them the most (ethos, pathos or logos)

“What stood out to you?

“Why did that stand out to you?”

I will collect their worksheets and assess them accordingly.

ECS 311 · Uncategorized

Lesson Plan Example 1

Lesson Plan

Name: Cassie Schlamp Date: October 24 2018 Subject: Health Education 8 Grade: 8

Guiding Questions (specific to this lesson):

Outcomes: (What should students know, understand and be able to do as a result of this lesson?)

USC 8.5 Assess how body image satisfaction/dissatisfaction and over-reliance on appearance as a source of identity and self esteem affects the quality of life and self and family.

Indicators (Assessment Evidence): (What will students do to show what they have learned?) Use I can statements.

I can discuss body image to include one’s feelings, attitudes and perceptions towards his/her body and physical appearance

I can analyze the relationships between self esteem and body image.

Assessment Strategies: (formative-before & during & summative – end)

Formative: Walk around and see if everyone is on task. Letter-Look at their letter and see if they include key components to it.

Summative: Take in their letters and mark them based on what they included

Instructional Strategies: (specific strategies)

-cooperative learning

-group discussion

-literature response

Adaptive Dimension: Differentiated Learning (what adaptations in content, process, product and learning environment will be provided to meet diverse student needs?)

-Read out the instructions, as well as write them

-Help students write their letter by providing guiding questions

Materials Needed:

-Letter -Pen/Pencil

Learning Experiences:

Set ( ____min)

I will show the quick video I found on YouTube about the negativity around body image in the media. I will then conduct a discussion about the things they feel while scrolling through social media and have this written on the board while they talk as well as repeat it for them. We then will go over positive body talk. How every one is different and we need to see ourselves as beautiful because every one is beautiful in their own different way. Positive body talk.

Development ( ___min)

This activity will be designed to have the students read and respond to someone struggling about their body image/negativity in social media. They will be writing a response letter to someone who wrote them a letter seeking advice.

They will have to include: -Their thoughts and feelings towards the situation (positive) -Advice for the person to try and make her feel some comfort -The way they feel about themselves -The way they think about social media and the way it makes one feel

While they write this letter, I will walk around answering any questions that they have.

This will give them a chance to look at things from a different perspective than themselves. The letter will be fairly detailed with how she feels and have them seeking advice. The student’s job is to analyze the situation and respond in a mature manner.

Closure ( ___ min)

I will ask the students if they want to share some of the advice they give out loud. If they don’t want to, I will collect their letters and read them myself.